
beschrijfsels en gedachtenwier
ook al interesseert het je geen zier
toch lees je het hier

maandag 28 mei 2007

Internet vertelt mij hoe of wat ik ben - geruststellend!

You Are In a Good Mood

Today, you're feeling pretty together and happy.
While not everything is going you're way, you're keeping things in perspective.
And it seems like things are looking up for you!

You are a Great Girlfriend

When it comes to your guy, you're very thoughtful
But you also haven't stopped thinking of yourself
You're the perfect blend of independent and caring
You're a total catch - make sure your guy knows it too!

Your Love Life Secrets Are

Looking back on your life, you will have a few true loves.
You're a little scarred from your past relationships, but who isn't?
You prefer a quirky, unique person to be your lover. You're easy going about who you're with, as long as they love you back.
In fights, you love to debate and defend yourself. You logic prevails - or at least you'd like to think so.
Getting over a break-up doesn't take long. Easy come, easy go.

How You Are In Love

You fall in love quickly and easily. And very often.
You tend to take more than give in relationships.
You tend to get very attached when you're with someone. You want to see your love all the time.
You love your partner unconditionally and don't try to make them change.
You are fickle and tend to fall out of love easily. You bounce from romance to romance.

You Are A Romantic Realist

You tend to be grounded when it comes to romance.
Sure, you can fall hard... but only for someone you've gotten to know.
And once you're in love, you can be a total romantic goofball...
But you'd never admit it to your friends!

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